Zinc mineral is created by crushing, roasting, leaching, and extracting from its ore. The symbol Zn represents Zinc and has an atomic number of 30. Eventually, making it one of the key base metals in the periodic table. Zinc is mainly located in the mineral sphalerite and is noted for its bluish-grey hue and malleability.
Historically, this mineral has been used for thousands of years. Ancient societies used it for numerous practical and medicinal applications. Currently, this mineral plays an important role in various industries, especially in galvanization, where it protects steel and iron from rust, extending the lifespan of buildings and vehicles. This mineral is essential for human health, helping immune responses and supporting protein production. To sustain accessibility for further generations, we must adopt sustainable methods in mining and production.

In Africa, nations such as South Africa and Zambia contain significant zinc reserves, making them vital contributors to the mining industry. Beside them, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Namibia, Morocco, Nigeria, and Congo. Worldwide, the top producers of this mineral include China, Australia, and Peru, which greatly impact the total output.

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