
Copper is a metal that was originally found on the Island of Cyprus, where it was known
as Cuprum, represented by the symbol “Cu,” with an atomic number of 29. This versatile
metal forms in volcanic regions, deposited from hot sulfur arrangements. Its natural
colour is red brown, but it can transform into black or green when oxidized in the air due
to responses with moisture and natural components.

This valuable metal is found in different parts of the world, with approximately 65% of
worldwide copper generation comes from many nations, including Chile, Peru,
Australia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the United States. The DRC is
leading the production of copper in Africa, followed by Zambia, which also has
significant deposits.

Moreover, copper can be found in other regions globally, including Russia, Canada,
Brazil, Pakistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, China, Poland, India, and Mexico.
These diverse sources contribute to copper’s essential role in different businesses, such
as electrical wiring, development, and electronics. Its excellent conductivity and
resistance to corrosion make it a valuable asset in today’s innovation and infrastructure




Copper reserves in Africa

Copper reserves in the Rest of the world

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